Inflation at a glance Last update: 12.09.2024
Inflation rates in Austria (CPI)
Standard wages and consumer prices
What is the current inflation rate in Austria?
The () according to Statistics Austria is in August 2024 2.4%.
The () according to Statistics Austria is in August 2024 2.4%.
The harmonized inflation rate () according to Eurostat mostly follows a very similar course and is currently 2.5%. The (), i.e. inflation excluding food and energy, is 3.4% in July 2024.
How are collectively agreed wages developing in Austria?
Most collective bargaining agreements are adjusted either in November, in January or in May.
Most collective bargaining agreements are adjusted either in November, in January or in May.
For example, the collective wage index for the retail sector (according to the WKO system) changed by 8.5% compared with the previous year.
Contributions of subaggregates to total inflation
Inflation rates - country comparison (HICP)
Which areas of spending are particularly driving or dampening inflation in Austria?
In July 2024, the () in Austria amounts to 2.9%. The energy sector contributed 0.0 percentage points (pp).
In July 2024, the () in Austria amounts to 2.9%. The energy sector contributed 0.0 percentage points (pp).
Food is responsible for 0.2 pp and industrial goods (excluding energy) contribute 0.3 pp. 2.4 pp are contributed by the service sector.
By clicking on the legend, the individual areas can be shown/hidden. In addition, the categories can be broken down in more detail, by clicking directly on the bars of the graph, for this please click on "Go to chart".
By clicking on the legend, the individual areas can be shown/hidden. In addition, the categories can be broken down in more detail, by clicking directly on the bars of the graph, for this please click on "Go to chart".
Is the inflation rate in Austria high or low in comparison?
In August 2024, the () in Austria is 2.5%.
In August 2024, the () in Austria is 2.5%.
In comparison, the inflation rate, as measured by the latest available figures, is 2.8% for the 27 EU countries and 2.2% for the euro area countries.
Lithuania currently has the lowest inflation rate among the EU countries at 0.7%, and Romania the highest at 5.8%.
The dark blue bars represent the inflation rates according to the HICP for euro countries, whereas the light blue bars show those of EU countries without the euro.
By comparison, the USA reported an inflation rate of 1.7% in July 2024.
Lithuania currently has the lowest inflation rate among the EU countries at 0.7%, and Romania the highest at 5.8%.
The dark blue bars represent the inflation rates according to the HICP for euro countries, whereas the light blue bars show those of EU countries without the euro.
By comparison, the USA reported an inflation rate of 1.7% in July 2024.
Wholesale- and producer prices, in Austria
Inflation drivers, current top 20
How are wholesale and producer prices developing - two leading indicators of inflation?
In May 2024, the year-on-year in the (WPI) is 0.3%. In July 2024, the year-on-year rate of change in the (EPI) is -4.5%.
In May 2024, the year-on-year in the (WPI) is 0.3%. In July 2024, the year-on-year rate of change in the (EPI) is -4.5%.
The EPI and the WPI provide information on price trends at the preliminary stages in the value chain. Producer prices are collected for the domestic market, the total market and the foreign market. The graph shows the EPI for the domestic and the non-domestic market (according to ÖNACE 2008 sections B-E36). Wholesale prices are shown for Austria only. Producer prices can also be output for all EU countries in the detailed analysis.
Which of the more than 700 CPI items contribute most to the inflation rate in Austria?
The item that contributes most to the () of 2.9% in July 2024 is Wohnungsmiete, alle Kategorien, at 0.3 percentage points (pp).
The item that contributes most to the () of 2.9% in July 2024 is Wohnungsmiete, alle Kategorien, at 0.3 percentage points (pp).
In second place follows the position Elektrischer Strom, Arbeitspreis / Tag (0.1 pp) and in third place Zahnarztleistung (0.1 pp). In total, the current top 20 inflation drivers contribute 1.5 pp to the inflation rate. This corresponds to a share of 53.2%.
The so-called heat map shows the contributions of the top 20 items over time. The stronger the red, the stronger the contribution to the inflation rate. In contrast, blue indicates a negative contribution.
The so-called heat map shows the contributions of the top 20 items over time. The stronger the red, the stronger the contribution to the inflation rate. In contrast, blue indicates a negative contribution.
Inflation by household types and its drivers, in Austria
Which households, broken down by income group, are hit hardest by inflation and why?
For May 2024, the () of the lowest-income population decile (1st decile) is 0.4 percentage points (pp) above that of the population as a whole.
For May 2024, the () of the lowest-income population decile (1st decile) is 0.4 percentage points (pp) above that of the population as a whole.
The largest increasing influence has the product group 04 HOUSING, WATER, ENERGY (0.7 PP), the largest decreasing influence, however, the commodity group 12 MISCELLANEOUS GOODS AND SERVICES (-0.2 PP).
Similarly, the inflation rate (CPI) of the highest-income decile of the population (10th decile) is 0.2 PP below that of the total population. The largest increasing influence has the commodity group 11 RESTAURANTS AND HOTELS (0.1 PP), the largest decreasing influence, on the other hand, is the commodity group 04 HOUSING, WATER, ENERGY (-0.2 PP).
The graph shows which income group has deviations from the population average in each expenditure category. By clicking on the legend, the different expenditure categories can be shown/hidden.
If we link the information on weights, i.e., which expenditures an income group makes particularly strongly/least strongly, with the price developments of these expenditure groups, it is possible to calculate inflation contributions by expenditure groups and the drivers of the can be determined.
For a detailed description of the calculation and the data used, see IHS Policy Brief 11.
Similarly, the inflation rate (CPI) of the highest-income decile of the population (10th decile) is 0.2 PP below that of the total population. The largest increasing influence has the commodity group 11 RESTAURANTS AND HOTELS (0.1 PP), the largest decreasing influence, on the other hand, is the commodity group 04 HOUSING, WATER, ENERGY (-0.2 PP).
The graph shows which income group has deviations from the population average in each expenditure category. By clicking on the legend, the different expenditure categories can be shown/hidden.
If we link the information on weights, i.e., which expenditures an income group makes particularly strongly/least strongly, with the price developments of these expenditure groups, it is possible to calculate inflation contributions by expenditure groups and the drivers of the can be determined.
For a detailed description of the calculation and the data used, see IHS Policy Brief 11.
PPI overall market
Producer prices, overall market
PPI domestic market
Producer prices, domestic market
PPI non-domestic market
Producer prices, non-domestic market
How are wholesale and producer prices developing - two leading indicators of inflation?
In May 2024, the year-on-year in the (WPI) is 0.3%. In July 2024, the year-on-year rate of change in the (EPI) is -4.5%.
The EPI and the WPI provide information on price trends at the preliminary stages in the value chain. Producer prices are collected for the domestic market, the total market and the foreign market. The graph shows the EPI for the domestic and the non-domestic market (according to ÖNACE 2008 sections B-E36). Wholesale prices are shown for Austria only. Producer prices can also be output for all EU countries in the detailed analysis.
In May 2024, the year-on-year in the (WPI) is 0.3%. In July 2024, the year-on-year rate of change in the (EPI) is -4.5%.
The EPI and the WPI provide information on price trends at the preliminary stages in the value chain. Producer prices are collected for the domestic market, the total market and the foreign market. The graph shows the EPI for the domestic and the non-domestic market (according to ÖNACE 2008 sections B-E36). Wholesale prices are shown for Austria only. Producer prices can also be output for all EU countries in the detailed analysis.
Wholesale prices
What is the current inflation rate in Austria?
The () according to Statistics Austria is in August 2024 2.4%.
The harmonized inflation rate () according to Eurostat mostly follows a very similar course and is currently 2.5%. The (), i.e. inflation excluding food and energy, is 3.4% in July 2024.
The () according to Statistics Austria is in August 2024 2.4%.
The harmonized inflation rate () according to Eurostat mostly follows a very similar course and is currently 2.5%. The (), i.e. inflation excluding food and energy, is 3.4% in July 2024.
Which areas of spending are particularly driving or dampening inflation in Austria?
In July 2024, the () in Austria amounts to 2.9%. The energy sector contributed 0.0 percentage points (pp).
Food is responsible for 0.2 pp and industrial goods (excluding energy) contribute 0.3 pp. 2.4 pp are contributed by the service sector.
By clicking on the legend, the individual areas can be shown/hidden. In addition, the categories can be broken down in more detail, by clicking directly on the bars of the graph, for this please click on "Go to chart".
In July 2024, the () in Austria amounts to 2.9%. The energy sector contributed 0.0 percentage points (pp).
Food is responsible for 0.2 pp and industrial goods (excluding energy) contribute 0.3 pp. 2.4 pp are contributed by the service sector.
By clicking on the legend, the individual areas can be shown/hidden. In addition, the categories can be broken down in more detail, by clicking directly on the bars of the graph, for this please click on "Go to chart".
CPI for Austria
Which of the more than 700 CPI items contribute most to the inflation rate in Austria?
The item that contributes most to the () of 2.9% in July 2024 is Wohnungsmiete, alle Kategorien, at 0.3 percentage points (pp).
In second place follows the position Elektrischer Strom, Arbeitspreis / Tag (0.1 pp) and in third place Zahnarztleistung (0.1 pp). In total, the current top 20 inflation drivers contribute 1.5 pp to the inflation rate. This corresponds to a share of 53.2%.
The so-called heat map shows the contributions of the top 20 items over time. The stronger the red, the stronger the contribution to the inflation rate. In contrast, blue indicates a negative contribution.
The item that contributes most to the () of 2.9% in July 2024 is Wohnungsmiete, alle Kategorien, at 0.3 percentage points (pp).
In second place follows the position Elektrischer Strom, Arbeitspreis / Tag (0.1 pp) and in third place Zahnarztleistung (0.1 pp). In total, the current top 20 inflation drivers contribute 1.5 pp to the inflation rate. This corresponds to a share of 53.2%.
The so-called heat map shows the contributions of the top 20 items over time. The stronger the red, the stronger the contribution to the inflation rate. In contrast, blue indicates a negative contribution.
HICP for EU countries
Important hint:
The inflation rates by household type shown here were calculated exclusively by changing the consumption bundles (weights) on the basis of the 2019/2020 consumer survey. Representative prices per household type (such as by age, gender or federal state) are not available/are not collected.
The inflation rates by household type shown here were calculated exclusively by changing the consumption bundles (weights) on the basis of the 2019/2020 consumer survey. Representative prices per household type (such as by age, gender or federal state) are not available/are not collected.
Which households, broken down by income group, are hit hardest by inflation and why?
For May 2024, the () of the lowest-income population decile (1st decile) is 0.4 percentage points (pp) above that of the population as a whole.
The largest increasing influence has the product group 04 HOUSING, WATER, ENERGY (0.7 PP), the largest decreasing influence, however, the commodity group 12 MISCELLANEOUS GOODS AND SERVICES (-0.2 PP).
Similarly, the inflation rate (CPI) of the highest-income decile of the population (10th decile) is 0.2 PP below that of the total population. The largest increasing influence has the commodity group 11 RESTAURANTS AND HOTELS (0.1 PP), the largest decreasing influence, on the other hand, is the commodity group 04 HOUSING, WATER, ENERGY (-0.2 PP).
The graph shows which income group has deviations from the population average in each expenditure category. By clicking on the legend, the different expenditure categories can be shown/hidden.
If we link the information on weights, i.e., which expenditures an income group makes particularly strongly/least strongly, with the price developments of these expenditure groups, it is possible to calculate inflation contributions by expenditure groups and the drivers of the can be determined.
Source: IHS. Based on consumer survey 2019/2020 and consumer price index of Statistics Austria.
For a detailed description of the calculation and the data used, see IHS Policy Brief 11.
For a look at average monthly equivalent expenditures and incomes by income decile, see: here.
For May 2024, the () of the lowest-income population decile (1st decile) is 0.4 percentage points (pp) above that of the population as a whole.
The largest increasing influence has the product group 04 HOUSING, WATER, ENERGY (0.7 PP), the largest decreasing influence, however, the commodity group 12 MISCELLANEOUS GOODS AND SERVICES (-0.2 PP).
Similarly, the inflation rate (CPI) of the highest-income decile of the population (10th decile) is 0.2 PP below that of the total population. The largest increasing influence has the commodity group 11 RESTAURANTS AND HOTELS (0.1 PP), the largest decreasing influence, on the other hand, is the commodity group 04 HOUSING, WATER, ENERGY (-0.2 PP).
The graph shows which income group has deviations from the population average in each expenditure category. By clicking on the legend, the different expenditure categories can be shown/hidden.
If we link the information on weights, i.e., which expenditures an income group makes particularly strongly/least strongly, with the price developments of these expenditure groups, it is possible to calculate inflation contributions by expenditure groups and the drivers of the can be determined.
Source: IHS. Based on consumer survey 2019/2020 and consumer price index of Statistics Austria.
For a detailed description of the calculation and the data used, see IHS Policy Brief 11.
For a look at average monthly equivalent expenditures and incomes by income decile, see: here.
Is the inflation rate in Austria high or low in comparison?
In August 2024, the () in Austria is 2.5%.
In comparison, the inflation rate, as measured by the latest available figures, is 2.8% for the 27 EU countries and 2.2% for the euro area countries.
Lithuania currently has the lowest inflation rate among the EU countries at 0.7%, and Romania the highest at 5.8%.
The dark blue bars represent the inflation rates according to the HICP for euro countries, whereas the light blue bars show those of EU countries without the euro.
By comparison, the USA reported an inflation rate of 1.7% in July 2024.
In August 2024, the () in Austria is 2.5%.
In comparison, the inflation rate, as measured by the latest available figures, is 2.8% for the 27 EU countries and 2.2% for the euro area countries.
Lithuania currently has the lowest inflation rate among the EU countries at 0.7%, and Romania the highest at 5.8%.
The dark blue bars represent the inflation rates according to the HICP for euro countries, whereas the light blue bars show those of EU countries without the euro.
By comparison, the USA reported an inflation rate of 1.7% in July 2024.